
Dogsitting, Adventures of Hershey the cat, DIY projects, And always Halloween planning!

Apr 5, 2012

Getting ready for May BUNCO- The Redneck LUAU

I'm cohosting Bunco in May with Kathy.  She lives too far away for all of us to drive. The only way I can host 5 tables (20 ladies) is to clear out the neighbors 1/2 of the garage and clean up both halves to host it in the garage.

Turns out, this is a really good way for me to have a deadline to get the garage cleaned up, stuff put away, and hopefully (fingers crossed) some projects done!

Luckily, I have tons of luau stuff/Hawaiian stuff from over the years. A good use for the yards of hawaiian fabric I have.  And I've been wanting to make some photos I have from Hawaii larger prints. Ideally, I'd be made of money and be able to afford large canvas' from a professional printer.  NOT.

So, I learned a new trick to print out my photos, reversed on a laser printer (using heat and toner to print the images).  Then tape them face down to a pc of wood and IRON them on HIGH! the reheating "melts" the ink and the print is transferred to the wood!

There's a software program out there called block posters (www.blockposters.com).  I used them with 5 photos I took in Hawaii.  The program creates multi page pdf files to be printed and taped together. COOL.

Here's the photos I want to make into large format:
Punaluu beach, i took the photo, but not sure when/which trip.

Tiki at the top of Haunama Bay 2001ish

I took this photo, then used www.fotoflexer.com to add Tiki in. At Kapiolani Park, Honolulu.

I took this photo, and like above, added Tiki in.  At Waikiki beach.

This is Monk, the seal.  A professional photographer took the photo--they were both swimming with me in Honaunau Bay , Big Island.  He was FANTASTIC, that seal!

I have not yet taken any "in progress photos" of the garage, i'll get to that so I can share my pain.

Meanwhile, Hershey the Aussie Cat, he's not doing well. He stopped eating 2 days ago. THe vet did bloodwork couple weeks ago, his creatnine is at 8, normal is 0.4-1.4.  And his Phosphorus is really high.  He had a course of antibiotics for a tooth infection. But has since decided food does not taste good.  He's End Stage Renal Disease (Stage 4 in humans) if not stage 5.  He decided last night he should be drinking my Mango Guava juice.  So this am I set up a kitty buffet for him: dish of milk, dish of mango guava juice, plate of $1/can gooey cat food, outdoor water (because tap water is not good). 

Each night I should spend hours in the garage working on getting it into shape.  Instead, I just take a nap with my cat curled up next to me.  :D it's the better choice!


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