
Dogsitting, Adventures of Hershey the cat, DIY projects, And always Halloween planning!

Oct 18, 2012

Halloween Ideas...FORTUNE TELLER

Ideas for Fortune Teller Costumes... Posted for Barb and Mary -- Please bring:
Full skirt for yourself
White/off white shirt similar to ones below.
necklaces to layer
Jeans or brown pants for the guys
white/offwhite baggy shirt (prefer no collars, but no big deal) for the guys

Sep 23, 2012

Halloween is taking shape...

Molly is over this weekend, the cats are fussed...but Molly is doing really well with them!
Meanwhile, while hunting for a job, i'm entertaining myself with more Halloween art.  I feel sort of guilty, i'm using the yards and yards of fabric that came with my sofa--it's a light blue microfiber, great quality, and expensive feeling fabric. I just hate the color.  So it's got to be used for SOMETHING! :D

I think i just have 1 more sign (the same as the first pic to make) and then it's on to costumes! and CHICKENS. :D

Here's the results so far:
Entry to the Fortune Teller's "Wagon" (think arbor top)

To slow folks down and make the kids read...the price list to the right of the "wagon" entrance.

one of the 2 Chicken "Poultrygeist" skeletons, to live with Mr. AskMe Eye-KnowNothing.  (the glow in the dark skeleton!)

The side art--on either side of the skeletons to keep folks from entering hte wagon from the side.  the chiken art is 2'x2'.

Sep 6, 2012


Guess what I did today!?

I created PoultryGeist from an online drawing, blown up using BLOCKPOSTERS.COM, and glued to a pc of underlayment (it's really cheap).

Then I started painting, because the drawing was very pixelated.  And I discovered...I can paint!!  I'm so thrilled with the outcome so far.  I have a couple pieces to fix, then I have to figure out how to trim it and drill holes in the eyes--to put red holiday lights into. :D

The idea is that this will go into the back of my car, or another for Trunk or Treat and provide the PoultryGeist for the Alectromancer... Then agian, I really like the last pic so much, I may end up hanging this in my house for a little while.  It does look really cool!

The blue with holes around the Fortune Teller Front is the Light board.  I have some twist in patio lights to place in there to light up the Fortune Teller.

Fox Island garage sale is this weekend....busy week!  
PoultryGeist Step 01
PoultryGeist Step 03
PoultryGeist Step 04

PoultryGeist Step 05

Bad Picture, but that looked so cool setting on my deck!

Aug 30, 2012

May Halloween BEGIN!

There is a chill in the air....TIme to get ready for Halloween!!!
(Just hope I can last or get employed before then!!!)
Jon's retirement ceremony might be the same day as the Trunk or Treat...It's going to be a pain to be in 2 places at once!!!

Costumes...the kids are already getting their ideas, knowing I like time to hunt and plan:
Anya: Jon brought her a little light pink kimono from Japan (funny, it was made in China!) :D So we talked her out of being a BRIDE again this year --she won't let me make her the bride of frankenstein, mummy bride, or zombie bride...she really needs to uncute halloween...maybe next year.  So we DID get her to agree to be a Geisha for Halloween!  She picked out contrasting fabrics at Joanns and we'll make the accessories for her Kimono for Halloween.  Cindy is in charge of decorating her head wig.  And while we were at TJ Max without Anya...guess what Cindy found!?  DOG Geisha Costumes!!! in matching colors. So $20 later, we should have 2 costumes for the puppies too!

Haley, now 13, decided she wanted to be a Sailor girl, with a short-ish skirt and a stripey teeshirt.  It will be simple and I found a knit dress at goodwill I can make into her skirt really easily.  She just needs to find a sailor hat nearer to halloween.

Corinne, She wants to be Nyan Cat...it's a grey cat in a pink pop-tart...should be easy, think grey sweatsuit and a box. :D

Carly, also 13, wants to be a toddler in Tiara's contestant...we think she just wants to do that so she can watch the show.  But it's easy, just a goodwill tacky dress and we're set. Cindy has a tiara already to lend her.

Gigi? we aren't sure yet.

Megan wants to be a witch...she has a bright orange cat.  So I'll use one of my twig brooms from the clearance sales last year, and the outfit should be easy.  I also have some really cute witch hats if they don't have them!

OK...TRUNK OR TREAT:::: What we've all been waiting for!!
I've been paintint signs in the evenings.  So far I have the "EXIT" sign, "Past, Present" arrows, and the Fortune Teller front is actually almost finished TONIGHT!!!

Here are some pics:
after stains and spraypaint

Alectromancy Definition sign--fortune telling using roosters.

Exit sign

Left Side FT Front: Fortunes Revealed, Palms Red

FT Front Right side: Curses Lifted & Cast; Potions & Tonics

Money Taken & BYOR (Bring Your Own Rooster)

The round signs are wooden cheese trays from Costco brie.  Free! Love that!
The Fortune Teller front was from the Fox Island Garage sale last year, for $5.  I trimmed the shape on the opening to curve like the outside, cleaned it, filled in the mirror grooves, sanded, and stained with Honey Maple and Driftwood colors.  I then used fonts downloaded online and printed the wording real sized to print. Using carbon paper, traced the wording and used a black paint pen, fingernail polish, or folk art paints—whatever I had on hand…to paint the designs/words.  I also used some mod podge to attach the few pics I printed from the internet in a couple places.
Oh, and I also painted my hands and put to hand prints to show that the Fortune teller can make you “Palms Red”. :D
This evening, after letting everything dry, I glued some ribbon on the inside edge, stapled some gold trim around the entire opening, and stapled a double row of fringe across the top.
I had a mess up, I tried to attach an evil eye at the top by stapling it.  That did NOT work.  So I’ll drill a tiny hole in the top, and wire it up to dangle from the very top.
Next will be to build a way to attach it to an old quilt ring stand that I got for free and add a small shelf in the back for the Crystal ball to affix to, and This year, I’m adding a cup holder for my iced tea!!!
I am also considering attaching a “shadow” out of wood around the back so I can put some string lights onto it.
It looks so good, It may end up hanging in my living room behind my chair.  …Ok, maybe not, but I am rather proud of it!!

Apr 23, 2012

How to watch paint dry...

Edison, Molly and Chas' back as they play while I work in the garage weekend before last.

Molly, watching paint dry this weekend. That spot on her...well, it might be a water spot on the camera, or it could be light pink paint...:D

Molly, taking a break from watching paint dry.  That's my coaster on the floor behind her.

Molly Keeping a fair weather eye out for bears and eagles.  Nothing got me, so she did a great job protecting me!

And also keeping an eye on the paint drying...Good GIrl! :D

Molly did get excited I was painting in Pink.  SO excited, she brushed up against drawers or something and had at least 3 light pink stripes on her. For some reason, she just napped around me ALL day. Such a good girl!

Apr 13, 2012

My mistake with coffee filters turned out kinda cool!  Kissing ball things in Teal Turq and sea blue!

One of a matched set of frames, they were gold and icky.  Now they are painted and a whole different level of tacky!

Hmm..wreath? incorporates a book paper heart, ribbon flowers on a white burlap covered  wreath...

Ode to my friend, Hershey

Always soft, bunny soft.
Waits to greet me at the door every day.
Snuggles at 6am, to gently say "you have an hour and a half, before you have to get up and feed me".
Held my hand when his brother died and I was sad.
Claimed everything in the house as "MINE" as soon as his brother passed.

Moved from Sydney Australia to Washington State...what a flight.
Loved the "Cat Spa"...wanted us to move in, instead of going home!

The only cat I've ever had that was:
chocolate brown.
acted more like a dog.
Enjoyed a good sponge bath.
liked his tummy rubbed while being cradled like a baby.
loved to get kisses on his forehead while being told how pretty he was.
liked potato chips (without dip!!).
brought miscillaneous lizards in from the deck in Australia, freaking me out.
Fancied himself an outdoorsman--even though he screamed and fought like a girl.
Would only drink outside rain water, I presume due to his "outdoorsman" image.
Screamed like a girl at possums and other cats.
as he curled up in a cat ball beside my pillow every night--sucked on the end of his tail as he went to sleep.

Better yet, laid by my head in such a way that my arm would fall to conveniently HOLD the end of his tail while he sucked on it and relaxed.

He is the only cat I've ever had, that when I did not perform well--he would wap me in the forehead with a sopping, cold, wet tail end. He had sticky spit.

Probably because I'm getting older, and had been about 2.5 years without any pets.  I was very attached to Hershey (and his brother).

I will miss his lucky 'rabbit feet', they were so soft.  And that spot behind his ear that was always good to rub your nose in.  Too soft.

Love you.

Apr 6, 2012

Ahh..this makes me feel good. I've finished my drawings last night of how I want the garage laid out.
Note: the colors are to give me an idea, not exactly the patterns I have on the fabric I own.  And the photos out the garage doors--are wishful thinking. :D

The entire KLW/Hunt garage layout, with Bunco Tables.

Left wall of my side of the garage, and alien looking in. :D (i may inheirit Anya's white ikea shelf)

Back wall of garage near the entry way. THe arbors are for halloween..so just using them!

Since the garage is on 2 levels, I'm taking advantage of the concrete 1/2 wall, it's the Tiki Bar.

This is the OTHER side of the wall on the Hunt side. You can see the tiki bar continues on the right side.

Back wall Hunt side, this leads to the steps to my house.  Nice, it has a full size fridge!

Right wall of HUNT side. The 'trees' are from halloween and have Vultures in them...AloHAAAA. :D

Ahh..if only it will look like this...Warm enough? not sure, but fire pits outside both garage doors, and doors open part way.  This should be our forever layout of the garage! ;D

Now to just have the time/energy to MAKE this HAPPEN! I sanded 1 table, and have 4 more to go. This weekend is going to be a big push of painting/sanding.  Ding is coming to visit, so that will just have to be worked into my schedule!! :D