
Dogsitting, Adventures of Hershey the cat, DIY projects, And always Halloween planning!

Oct 31, 2011

Trunk Or Treat a HUGE SUCCESS!

I've only got a few photos of the event, the rest of the pics are on Cindy and Jon's camera--so I'll have to get them for a later post.

First, the building in the garage:

These are the photos of the set up in the garage the week BEFORE Trunk or treat--easier to get photos of it!

And this is how popular we were! --hence why i took so many pics in the garage!

And of course, i did set up the Moultrie Wildlife Camera--i need to set it higher next time, Jon and Anya seemed to block it alot--:)
(this is from setting up in the garage!)

( I tried to get Jon to strike a pose...this is his pose...)

Check out the kid in the middle--he's a beaver! with the teeth and everything! Fantastic costume!

I arrived at the school early, as we had alot to set up. I was not alone, one of the other participants was there--and I knew her! Best yet==they had a GENERATOR! So I parked closeby, and used their generator to power my set up, rather than running it on the car battery. Much healthier for the car!

Jenni and Jet provided our power, and Cindy came in with the bigger pieces of vulture-ism. Since she helped me set up and destroy in the garage, we worked really well together putting everything together. Jon came a bit later with Anya all decked out in light up wings :) (and hyped up in prep for all the sugar she was going to get!)

Cindy said we were the "Beacon of light" in the parking lot. We stayed busy all evening--but really--there were less than 15 cars participating and not as many kids out there. Maybe the weather was a factor--it rained really hard all day, then not a drop while we were outside!

Best hit was SYd the spider, again...we got TONS of compliments on the entire set up. And told several times that there should be a contest--we'd definitely win! We all enjoyed handing out candy.
And the funnest thing, was that I got smart and set up the Wildlife night camera--it took lots of pics of the kids trick or treating me. Although, next time I need to relocate it, because if Jon or Anya was standing beside me, they blocked the camera. And who knew, that camera took about 15 pics just of Jon--it must really like him! :)

Once I moved Anya to the outside of the "kristi" area..*giggle* we got some good pictures of her and her wings trying to give candy to people.
After a quick 'throw it all in the trunk/van' we all went to dinner downtown in GH.

Then home, wash (that's WARSH, for mom) the make up off my face and slept till SUNDAY. :D ahhh my muscles are finally recovering!

Now for the oddest thing...the Gothic Gazebo..I ordered online a couple weeks ago. Got it in the mail, the box had been destroyed and it was missing a pointy part for the top. Just 1 pc.
I called www.simplyarbors.com, and they credited me the entire purchase amount and told me to keep the thing, not to ship it back. All because they don't carry spare parts.
So, I called the manufacturer...they also don't carry spare parts, and decided to send me a brand new one for my trouble--no charge.

So in all this, I scored 2 gothic arches for free...wonder if I can find a new pointy thing? --Cindy and I figured out we could put a vulture on it! :)


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