
Dogsitting, Adventures of Hershey the cat, DIY projects, And always Halloween planning!

Aug 12, 2011

Loving Mixbook for YEARS!

Each time I relocate countries, I start shopping for a new book publisher. I need one that allows me the greatest flexibility with layout, photos, uploading, and embellishing.
In Germany, (2006) I used cewe.de (In german.) It was good software, but the upload was tricky. Since then, I've stayed away from programs that you download to your computer, create a book and then upload the entire thing to their site for printing. If you are looking at a scrapbook type thing, you could have 1000 photos in it, and that's lot's of bandwidth/uninterrupted signal time!

In Australia, (2006-2009) I found one of the only local books: Momento.com.au
But 1 book at 100 pages, printed well, was almost $200. I made 1 book. And vowed to stop using them completely.

In USA, (and now in Australia) we are spoiled for choices.

I've been using Mixbook.com for 2 years and love it. It's flexible, reliable, you upload your photos quickly to their server (saves a giant upload at the end!), customer service is outstanding...and the products I've received have been printed quickly, reliably, and the quality is much better than the Cewe book from Germany, and maybe a hair lower than the momento--but I buy a 99 page book at Mixbook for $67 (with no discount) compared to $200AUD at Momento...no comparison MIxbook is FABULOUS!

I do get asked frequently, what to use, how to use them, and why I picked Mixbook. I'll add that in a future post.

Samples of my books: (Note, travel books with friends are a bit wild with the number of photos..)
Australia with friends:
New Zealand with friends:
Travels of Tiki/Tiki Passport:

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