
Dogsitting, Adventures of Hershey the cat, DIY projects, And always Halloween planning!

Sep 23, 2012

Halloween is taking shape...

Molly is over this weekend, the cats are fussed...but Molly is doing really well with them!
Meanwhile, while hunting for a job, i'm entertaining myself with more Halloween art.  I feel sort of guilty, i'm using the yards and yards of fabric that came with my sofa--it's a light blue microfiber, great quality, and expensive feeling fabric. I just hate the color.  So it's got to be used for SOMETHING! :D

I think i just have 1 more sign (the same as the first pic to make) and then it's on to costumes! and CHICKENS. :D

Here's the results so far:
Entry to the Fortune Teller's "Wagon" (think arbor top)

To slow folks down and make the kids read...the price list to the right of the "wagon" entrance.

one of the 2 Chicken "Poultrygeist" skeletons, to live with Mr. AskMe Eye-KnowNothing.  (the glow in the dark skeleton!)

The side art--on either side of the skeletons to keep folks from entering hte wagon from the side.  the chiken art is 2'x2'.

Sep 6, 2012


Guess what I did today!?

I created PoultryGeist from an online drawing, blown up using BLOCKPOSTERS.COM, and glued to a pc of underlayment (it's really cheap).

Then I started painting, because the drawing was very pixelated.  And I discovered...I can paint!!  I'm so thrilled with the outcome so far.  I have a couple pieces to fix, then I have to figure out how to trim it and drill holes in the eyes--to put red holiday lights into. :D

The idea is that this will go into the back of my car, or another for Trunk or Treat and provide the PoultryGeist for the Alectromancer... Then agian, I really like the last pic so much, I may end up hanging this in my house for a little while.  It does look really cool!

The blue with holes around the Fortune Teller Front is the Light board.  I have some twist in patio lights to place in there to light up the Fortune Teller.

Fox Island garage sale is this weekend....busy week!  
PoultryGeist Step 01
PoultryGeist Step 03
PoultryGeist Step 04

PoultryGeist Step 05

Bad Picture, but that looked so cool setting on my deck!