
Dogsitting, Adventures of Hershey the cat, DIY projects, And always Halloween planning!

Apr 23, 2012

How to watch paint dry...

Edison, Molly and Chas' back as they play while I work in the garage weekend before last.

Molly, watching paint dry this weekend. That spot on her...well, it might be a water spot on the camera, or it could be light pink paint...:D

Molly, taking a break from watching paint dry.  That's my coaster on the floor behind her.

Molly Keeping a fair weather eye out for bears and eagles.  Nothing got me, so she did a great job protecting me!

And also keeping an eye on the paint drying...Good GIrl! :D

Molly did get excited I was painting in Pink.  SO excited, she brushed up against drawers or something and had at least 3 light pink stripes on her. For some reason, she just napped around me ALL day. Such a good girl!

Apr 13, 2012

My mistake with coffee filters turned out kinda cool!  Kissing ball things in Teal Turq and sea blue!

One of a matched set of frames, they were gold and icky.  Now they are painted and a whole different level of tacky!

Hmm..wreath? incorporates a book paper heart, ribbon flowers on a white burlap covered  wreath...

Ode to my friend, Hershey

Always soft, bunny soft.
Waits to greet me at the door every day.
Snuggles at 6am, to gently say "you have an hour and a half, before you have to get up and feed me".
Held my hand when his brother died and I was sad.
Claimed everything in the house as "MINE" as soon as his brother passed.

Moved from Sydney Australia to Washington State...what a flight.
Loved the "Cat Spa"...wanted us to move in, instead of going home!

The only cat I've ever had that was:
chocolate brown.
acted more like a dog.
Enjoyed a good sponge bath.
liked his tummy rubbed while being cradled like a baby.
loved to get kisses on his forehead while being told how pretty he was.
liked potato chips (without dip!!).
brought miscillaneous lizards in from the deck in Australia, freaking me out.
Fancied himself an outdoorsman--even though he screamed and fought like a girl.
Would only drink outside rain water, I presume due to his "outdoorsman" image.
Screamed like a girl at possums and other cats.
as he curled up in a cat ball beside my pillow every night--sucked on the end of his tail as he went to sleep.

Better yet, laid by my head in such a way that my arm would fall to conveniently HOLD the end of his tail while he sucked on it and relaxed.

He is the only cat I've ever had, that when I did not perform well--he would wap me in the forehead with a sopping, cold, wet tail end. He had sticky spit.

Probably because I'm getting older, and had been about 2.5 years without any pets.  I was very attached to Hershey (and his brother).

I will miss his lucky 'rabbit feet', they were so soft.  And that spot behind his ear that was always good to rub your nose in.  Too soft.

Love you.

Apr 6, 2012

Ahh..this makes me feel good. I've finished my drawings last night of how I want the garage laid out.
Note: the colors are to give me an idea, not exactly the patterns I have on the fabric I own.  And the photos out the garage doors--are wishful thinking. :D

The entire KLW/Hunt garage layout, with Bunco Tables.

Left wall of my side of the garage, and alien looking in. :D (i may inheirit Anya's white ikea shelf)

Back wall of garage near the entry way. THe arbors are for halloween..so just using them!

Since the garage is on 2 levels, I'm taking advantage of the concrete 1/2 wall, it's the Tiki Bar.

This is the OTHER side of the wall on the Hunt side. You can see the tiki bar continues on the right side.

Back wall Hunt side, this leads to the steps to my house.  Nice, it has a full size fridge!

Right wall of HUNT side. The 'trees' are from halloween and have Vultures in them...AloHAAAA. :D

Ahh..if only it will look like this...Warm enough? not sure, but fire pits outside both garage doors, and doors open part way.  This should be our forever layout of the garage! ;D

Now to just have the time/energy to MAKE this HAPPEN! I sanded 1 table, and have 4 more to go. This weekend is going to be a big push of painting/sanding.  Ding is coming to visit, so that will just have to be worked into my schedule!! :D

Apr 5, 2012

Getting ready for May BUNCO- The Redneck LUAU

I'm cohosting Bunco in May with Kathy.  She lives too far away for all of us to drive. The only way I can host 5 tables (20 ladies) is to clear out the neighbors 1/2 of the garage and clean up both halves to host it in the garage.

Turns out, this is a really good way for me to have a deadline to get the garage cleaned up, stuff put away, and hopefully (fingers crossed) some projects done!

Luckily, I have tons of luau stuff/Hawaiian stuff from over the years. A good use for the yards of hawaiian fabric I have.  And I've been wanting to make some photos I have from Hawaii larger prints. Ideally, I'd be made of money and be able to afford large canvas' from a professional printer.  NOT.

So, I learned a new trick to print out my photos, reversed on a laser printer (using heat and toner to print the images).  Then tape them face down to a pc of wood and IRON them on HIGH! the reheating "melts" the ink and the print is transferred to the wood!

There's a software program out there called block posters (www.blockposters.com).  I used them with 5 photos I took in Hawaii.  The program creates multi page pdf files to be printed and taped together. COOL.

Here's the photos I want to make into large format:
Punaluu beach, i took the photo, but not sure when/which trip.

Tiki at the top of Haunama Bay 2001ish

I took this photo, then used www.fotoflexer.com to add Tiki in. At Kapiolani Park, Honolulu.

I took this photo, and like above, added Tiki in.  At Waikiki beach.

This is Monk, the seal.  A professional photographer took the photo--they were both swimming with me in Honaunau Bay , Big Island.  He was FANTASTIC, that seal!

I have not yet taken any "in progress photos" of the garage, i'll get to that so I can share my pain.

Meanwhile, Hershey the Aussie Cat, he's not doing well. He stopped eating 2 days ago. THe vet did bloodwork couple weeks ago, his creatnine is at 8, normal is 0.4-1.4.  And his Phosphorus is really high.  He had a course of antibiotics for a tooth infection. But has since decided food does not taste good.  He's End Stage Renal Disease (Stage 4 in humans) if not stage 5.  He decided last night he should be drinking my Mango Guava juice.  So this am I set up a kitty buffet for him: dish of milk, dish of mango guava juice, plate of $1/can gooey cat food, outdoor water (because tap water is not good). 

Each night I should spend hours in the garage working on getting it into shape.  Instead, I just take a nap with my cat curled up next to me.  :D it's the better choice!
