
Dogsitting, Adventures of Hershey the cat, DIY projects, And always Halloween planning!

Feb 24, 2012

Valentine's Day with Anya

Cindy told me, in a dreaded way....Anya's Vday box has to have 3 moving parts. To which we agreed is more of a challenge for adults than the kids! Of course, creative KrisTiki to the rescue...Springs! inexpensive, and they move.

I had a 2L bottle sitting around since xmas, I've been waiting to use it. But thought we should combine our glittering skills with Valentines day and coat the inside of the bottle with Glitter...Anya likes to do that anyway!

So we cut the bottle in half, used one side for a dog rearend, and the top of the bottle for a nose. I had the idea that it should be a basset hound in a dog house, the dog house of course holding the valentines. The springs would snap into the dog for the ears and tail. Technically 3 moving parts.

But at the trip to the dollar store I took, I got to roaming thru the kid section and party section. Found some party favors, those type you blow into and the little roll up paper/plastic unrolls and sometimes makes a "thhhpptt" sound. Hmmm..it's red, would make a great dog TONGUE! how to activate it though..hmmm....

Then i spotted a clown flower that squirts water when the clown squeezes the pump bulb. (I hate clowns!) But the air in the pump would be enough to make the tongue stick out!

Hence the dog house has a large ladybug on the roof--if you squeeze it, his tongue shoots out! :D Even the lunch ladies came in to see her box!!!

She did not win the contest in her class, which I think is good. As Anya did not come up with any of hte moving parts or design. She just decorated. This summer I'm going to task Anya with DESIGN tasks...Here's the pictures!